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Offering to Students
International Finance Olympiad is a series of event promising challenges, Rewards and value
Study Material
Our well researched study material ensures a life long learning. It has been designed in a lucid form and is expected to create more informed and financially effective youth.
Cash Scholarship
Best teams of the Nation & Middle East Asia compete in an on-stage oral quiz to win the 'Winner Trophy' and the coveted winning scholarship of INR 1 Lac. Other cash prizes are INR 40,000 and INR 20,000
On-Stage Oral Quiz
Series of competitions from school level to Regional and then Finale make sure multifold exposure for students. Kids are assessed on written tests and audio-visual based Rounds too.
Globally Recognised Certificates
We offer Globally recognized certificates with many options to land you in better career in National & International Universities, which indeed is unique and not achieved by other certifiers.

About IFO
INTERNATIONAL FINANCE OLYMPIAD Is an initiative to make young learners familiar with the need and art of managing money. It is expected that gradually the adolescents shall inculcate the habit of analysing finance in their day to day life, shall strive for savings and shall also invest their available resources to multiply their worth so that they have comfortable resources for their future endeavours.
As, finance knowledge for school students is at very nascent stage & efforts are being made across globe to structure it within school curriculum, we intend to bridge this gap & would like to offer an international level competition.
Schools have an important role in introducing newer concepts & making students part of such campaign. Therefore, we invite schools across India & Middle East to associate with International Finance Olympiad.
Success Year
Associated Schools
Students Enrolled
Who Can Apply
Students of classes 8th to 12th can register for International Finance Olympiad
Students can register either through thier school or individually
Ms. Ritu Bali, Vidyashilp Academy
Lead Educator
Mr. Sanjay Sindhwani, Business Head (ET.com)
Industry Expert
Ms. Saisha Monga, DPS RK Puram
Download Section
Students of classes 8th to 12th can Register & Download Study Material for International Finance Olympiad
Event Flow

- International Finance Olympiad is a series of event promising challenges, Rewards and value. Read Event Brochure to
know more.
Content Booklet

- Our Content is the core of our knowledge building tools and has gathered
appreciation from all stakeholders.
Download Sample.
Sample Paper

- Students are assessed on the basis of 3 Rounds. 1st Round is completely based on MCQ Pattern. Try out some
Sample Questions.